Hello - this is my first blog.this blog will chronicle
my return to the present from 1000 years in the future on my mission to save the future of music from the machines. this blog will also report back from the future about things that are happening and have happened there. please feel free to ask me any
questions about the future as i am always happy to answer them!
An introduction...though travelling back from the future, i am originally from this time and underwent cryogenic freezing, with my hat on, but when i was awakened, discovered that i was the only living living musician and so have returned to the present to change the course of the future. it won't be easy but together, united, we can save music and the world!
A lil' bout cryogenic freezing...
there's nothing like falling asleep and waking up just when you get there! when you wake up after a 1000 years, you really have to take a pee but you don't want to get out from under the duvet. then you get some brunch. you can get brunch everyday of the week in the future (but still only until 3pm). sometimes, instead of going to bed, i go back into cryogenic freezing, awake in the future, then in the morning i travel back in time to the present again.
Cryogenic Freezing

A lil' bout time travel...time travel is nothing like it is portrayed in the movies and books of our time. there are no flashing lights, there is no pain, no discombobulation. it is instantaneous. all of a sudden you are there. time travel is based upon both old fashioned relativity and quantum mechanics such that all of your sub-atomic particles are accelerated until they are moved backwards (and forwards!) in time via the
uncertainty principle, then the quantum wave is collapsed. easy as that!
Time Travel Formula
A lil' bout the future...
in the future, the world is like one giant tropical resort...people get up early to get the best chairs, line up at the buffet, sit around the pool all day, go back to the buffet, get another drink at the margurita bar...they are bored out of their minds and absolutely hate it but it's better than working (which is why no one comes back in time from the future)
The Dark Future That Awaits Us

Save the future!HatHead will be helping to save the future
this Saturday Night at the Music Bunka in toronto. come to the show and do your part to help save the future!
peace & music!