Fresh Baked Goods
i am back from the future and almost back to the present! i am glad that i have been missed in my absence. it is good to hear some 21st century swearing again. swearing in the 3rd millenium is completely different. (you wouldn't dare call someone a 'numlock' for example)
while in the future, i have been working on the HatHead sound - making some necessary adjustments as required by the future passage of time to ensure that music is saved from the machines. in this new sound there is no differentiating between making music and mixing it, between what is performed and what is a sample as performances become samples themselves.
also, i am having coffee with the Yoga Chick next week.
while in the future, i have been working on the HatHead sound - making some necessary adjustments as required by the future passage of time to ensure that music is saved from the machines. in this new sound there is no differentiating between making music and mixing it, between what is performed and what is a sample as performances become samples themselves.

... i have never been a quitter ...
here is a preview of the new HatHead sound. this entire track is all fresh baked goods and was performed and mixed from scratch at the same time. it is quite a new experience to mix while simultaneously recording your own performance. this track is my first pass through - starting with a free flute part and spending some time working the beat + some cool appregiator lines too - click hear for the beginning of HatHead Strikes Back!also, i am having coffee with the Yoga Chick next week.
i won't cry! how about neo-modern? does it at least sound neo-modern??
neo-modern, you know, like post-futurism.
i refuse to be categorized! try categorizing me after torturing yourself through more HatHead music
hmmm...html previewed ok but alas, the link!
i will certainly allow myself to be classified as 'truly unique' or even 'orginal'.
as long as its not 'interesting', which is what people say when they don't like something and are being @ a dinner party: "this fish, its interesting...oh, its pork, interesting'
what happened to oasis & blur? they all turned 25 and then their rock star careers were over.
Ahh, mystery.
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