Coca¡ne ßlues plus uPdAt€
Until then:

Click hear for HatHead's remix of Cocaine Blues by the Johnny Cash
The blog of HatHead who, after awakening after spending a millennia in cryogenic freezing with his hat on, discovers he is the only living human musician and so returns to the present to save music from the machines
Also, came across this piece for The Sponsorhood and it introduces all of the characters.
Click Hear To Check Out The Movie!
...AmandaJ3162 Shakes Her Sim Thing....
Click hear to see Here Boy - AmanadaJ3162 with HatHead
Also, looks like I will doing the theme and music for a new web series filmed with the Sims 2 - stay tuned for more exciting details! portable piano bench...
this is The New Enemy. not once have i been able to move it anywhere without fighting with it. (the legs collapse but don't fasten to anything and swing about freely when they are not locked for sitting) some of these fights have been quite serious.
once i was carrying The New Enemy and another piece of gear down the stairs and the The New Enemy saw its opportunity. it kicked its legs out forcing me off balance and then, catching my toe on the cuff of my pants, i was suddenly falling face first down the stairs holding sizable pieces of equipment. by some miracle that i cannot recall as i was busy watching my life flash before my eyes, i escaped unscathed. but this is not the usual outcome in such encounters with The New Enemy.
last night, The New Enemy struck again. twice. the first attack was on the way to the gig. i was traversing my stairwell, which is choked full of gear since The Bunka closed unexpectedly, and the The New Enemy struck at the most precarious of moments, sending me headlong into the wall. i had no other option to but to lean forward and use my head in an attempt to avoid totally crashing out and prop myself up against the wall. boom! then, after the gig, The New Enemy struck again, kicking its legs out and slamming them back on the tips of my cold fingers. bam!
there seems little i can do. however it may be mad at me because orfeo's claws are not so kind or gentle with it.
....beware the 5,000 fingers....
about to catch a move...
........catching another move
i have had some questions about how this all works: visual elements - such as video clips, animations, stills - and effects (3d f/x, transitions, overlays, etc) are assigned to notes on the piano keyboard. the effect is that when you are playing music on the keyboard, you are also triggering the visuals at the same time.
i am currently working on different visual keyboard note assignment schemes and approaches (and there turns out to be an astonishingly large number of possible ways to link musical elements and performance to video!)