Friday, November 03, 2006

Second First Video!

you can go forever on this video stuff. and i will. so in an effort to move on, here is the first HatHead video again with a little more polishing. the song needed some more instruments so i tried a new virtual organ out and added some bass for some bottom end. for reasons that i explain below, this means that there are more visual elements too.

about to catch a move...

........catching another move

i have had some questions about how this all works: visual elements - such as video clips, animations, stills - and effects (3d f/x, transitions, overlays, etc) are assigned to notes on the piano keyboard. the effect is that when you are playing music on the keyboard, you are also triggering the visuals at the same time.

i am currently working on different visual keyboard note assignment schemes and approaches (and there turns out to be an astonishingly large number of possible ways to link musical elements and performance to video!)


Blogger HatHead said...

the girl? the yoga chick of course!!

the vid mixing is cool. the edits are well timed because they being driven by the same MIDI notes of the musical performance. even the folks at the media house where i work liked the edits - and they're the pros!

March 07, 2005 10:10 PM  
Blogger HatHead said...

oh yes, and the video software is ArKaos

March 07, 2005 10:18 PM  

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